Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Does someone saying you like someone count as bullying?

It depends if you tell them to stop and they continue to keep doing it then yes it is. You should tell your teacher or some adult so they can help you.

Spreading Rumors

Someone asked a question about friends spreading rumors about them.

First of all, spreading rumors does count as bullying, especially if it is hurting you or someone else in any way. However, the best way to make it stop is to just IGNORE it! By ignoring the rumors spread about you, you aren't giving the bully power; don't encourage the bully and give them the power! You and your true friends know the rumors being spread aren't true, and that's all the matters.

If the rumor spreading gets unbearable, you can always go to talk to the guidance counselor or a trusted teacher. Either would be happy to help you resolve this conflict if ignoring it won't help.
"Is teasing considered bullying?"

There is a fine line between teasing and bullying. For teasing to become bullying, someone has to be hurt emotionally. For example, if you are teasing someone and they are offended or get their feelings hurt from it, it is considered bullying. This is why clear communication is key. If you are not OK with a friend or stranger teasing you, tell them to stop. Usually people who tease are not out to be hurtful, so if you ask them to stop, they usually will! In fact, most of the time these people are just trying to be friendly or flirting. Teasing is fine if it is just you and another friend joking around and picking fun at each other, and no one is hurt by it.

What is like to be bullied?

Some of you guys wanted to know what it is like to be bullied and if it was sort of like being pushed around everyday. Well, being bullied is getting harassed everyday, either physically or emotionally. Often times someone being bullied will be really sad and won't ever want to come to school. Being pushed around at school would be an example of getting bullied because someone is being physically hurt or bothered everyday. The best thing you can do about a bully is stand up to them or tell an adult who can help you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Welcome to the ELC Leadership Class Blog! 
Our main class goal is to prevent bullying and harassment in our school. We would love to hear from all of you, and encourage you to ask us (the high school students of the Leadership class) any of your questions about bullying/harassment. You can also use this blog as a way to just talk to someone you trust about ANY issues you are having, while still keeping in mind that this will be a private conversation with no names mentioned. This blog is for YOU, the students, so use it as often as you would like. We are looking forward to hearing form all of you.